Friday, December 20, 2013

Diamonds: Good? Bad?

                                                          Diamonds are here!

They've been in Jamaa for a while now but I'd still like to talk about them. So what's the deal with them? Diamonds can buy items. They're sort of like Dragonvale gems. They're harder to get and buy more valuable items.What can you get with diamonds? You can exchange diamonds for gems, buy exclusive animals (lions, kangaroos, arctic wolves, snow leopards, and cheetahs), pets, clothes, and den items. It's a more valuable store, but otherwise just the same as normal gems. What's the harm? Awesome items can be found there, like wind armor, phoenix armor, studded or spiked bracelets and collars, giant plush, legendary gloves, weather clouds, dens, pets, exclusive animals, and elf tail armor. These items were once rare, and people who worked for their rares sit and watch these jammers buy it for nothing.  Club members get weekly diamonds, and you can get them on the daily spin too. Everything is cheap, the most expensive things are the animals, at 10 diamonds. I blow mine on gem exchanges mostly, the most I've had at one time is 6. It's humiliating and upsetting to realize the rares you once bought are now worth three weeks of getting diamonds. For people who don't have these items, it's ok, but I really don't like the diamond update. What do you think?

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